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My Services

Land healing • Space clearing • Weddings • Shamanic Healing Services

Lynn Jordan, Shaman, Shaman Healing Arts, Earth Healing

For a powerful, life-transformative private energy session (in person or remote) I allow 1.5 hours for the session. This allows us the time we will need to collectively explore, discover and release obstacles and heavy energies. And follow up in an empowering manner to bring a sustaining vitality and activated wisdom awareness back into the very core of you on all levels. We will use whatever portion of the 1.5 hours that is needed for each session depending on what is presenting itself to journey on during any given session.


I also offer a discounted package of three sessions.


I encourage a post-session sage wisdom council check-in, two to three weeks after each session, to see how you are doing, create sacred space for your integrating all that you are receiving, and to look together at what further support you might need.

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