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Learn About Shamanism

Lynn Jordan, Shaman, Shaman Healing Arts, Earth Healing

Shamanism has been adapted by many tribal peoples all over the world. Through the ages it has come to the modern western culture and it continues to offer us methods to contact sources of wisdom and power through an altered state of consciousness. It is in this altered state where one makes contact with spirit realms and helping spirits whom provide guidance and assistance in healing people and places within the luminous energy fields of a person, animal, sacred space, and area of land on Earth.


When you are engaging the Shamanic healing process, you are walking the Medicine Wheel. The Medicine Wheel is an inner journey of healing, awakening and transformation. It is a journey that traces a spiral path with no beginning and no end. The journey aligns with the coordinates of the four directions and is held by the sacred energies of the Heavens and Earth. The experience is a beautiful journey of remembering our true nature and of awakening our true destinies. This is a journey that requires courage and heart.


I work with the Luminous Energy Field. The luminous energy field informs or physical body. Clearing and transforming heavy energies in the luminous energy field can re-pattern the body and soul back to wellness.


Because we work with the Luminous Energy Field, there is no time or space as we move to shift patterns from the place of the energetic and fully receive the gifts of new, revitalized energy in return. In the Luminous Energy Field space of timelessness, having your session over the phone or teleconference will have the same effect as a session done in person.

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